Friday, November 20, 2009

If Your Happy And You Know It

How do you get your kids to look like this?

Bubble Wrap.

Lots of it.

Or perhaps Lazer Light Pens

for them and the cats to chase

all over the house.

You can run screeching "Help! Vampires are trying to suck my blood!"
 while wildly flailing your arms when you see these coming at you.

You can ride your bike 7.5 miles, one way, so they can slide down new slides.

You NetFlix them 'Jaws' when they write you notes asking for it.

You play along when they pretend they are really someone else.

You let them color for so long they fall asleep dreaming of rainbows.

You like the boyfriend that brings your daughter flowers for their 2nd month anniversary.

You take them on a Boy Scout "Scouting For Food" walk to collect food for the needy.

Then you take them to the Pack meeting so they can watch and perform in skits.

You stand back and cheer as they get new badges.

You have to buy a new belt to accomodate all the new belt loops that were achieved.

You take them to Universal Studios several times a month.

And let them pretend to ride a rollercoaster.

While you go on the real one.


You show them how much you love each other.

You make silly faces for the camera.

Even when nobody else knows you did until the pictures are developed.

You let them wear whatever they want.

And let them bring a friend along.

You go to their school for lunchtime.

You clap the loudest when your little turkey plays the role of Turkey in a school play.

You help just a little so their project is the best.

And you let them do it themselves for a big sense of Pride.

You let them play golf. Any.Where.

You let them play in the dirt. Well, here its sand.

How to get your kid to Frown?  Make them do their homework.

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