Tuesday, October 30, 2007

No more Diapers!

Yeah!!!! I am a happy mommy today!! Caleb pooped in the potty yesterday and today! NO more diapers! Yippee!!! He has peed in the potty for several months now. Mike and I have been trying hard to get him to poop in the potty. One of the things we said was that we would buy him new jets if he did it. He loves toy jets and cars. So of course, I had to take him to the store. Here he is sleeping with his new jets. We painted our pumpkins, as we usually do every year, and put them outside. Well I learned an important lesson. Phoenix is DRY, Florida is HUMID. Mikes and the kids pumpkins are close to the door, and look OK, (first 2 pics) however my pumpkin was left out a little further, and when we got back from our vacation this is what we came home too... EEWWWW!!!!! GROSS!!!! Its all soggy! Yuck! I had to get the big flat shovel out just to scrap it off my porch! I wont do that again! Tomorrow is Halloween, and the weather predicts rain. Lots of it. BOOO. I cant remember it raining in Phx, prohibiting us from trick or treating. I hope we get lucky. Maybe if it rains we can trick or treat at the mall. I wonder if they do that here. I'll have to ask around. We sure miss Mikey when he is gone. He is going to try and get home in time for trick or treating. He is in CA. The opposite side of the country from us! :( But at least he gets to see Leonard, Michelle and Elektra. Christina and I are jealous! Since he is gone, I am going to take this time to write about what a great hubby he is. Just before we left for Pensacola, the toilet in the kids bathroom wouldn't stop running. He was on the phone with a client, so I was trying to stop it and get it cleaned up. The moment he realized what was wrong, he told me "Honey, stop, let me do that. I know how much you hate touching things like this." Then he cleaned up the whole mess! What a great guy!! Any time I don't feel well, he never hesitates to go to the store for chicken soup, and deals with all kid issues, cleans the house, all with out me ever asking. Is he a sweetie or what?! Just had to get that shout out about my wonderful hubby! Thank you for raising such a great kid Mom2 and Dad2! Have a great and Spooky Halloween!!