Friday, December 26, 2008

Michelle's Christmas Poem

My brother Leonard and my Sister In Laws story and picture were posted on Times Square. The screen is about 80 FEET tall! Here is her Christmas poem that she wrote herself (!) to her family and friends.
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the Mattingly house Not a creature was stirring except the cats with their toy mouse. The stockings were hung by the fish tank with care As the smell of a Yankee holiday candle filled the air. The children were finally asleep in beds, With clean diapers on and a fresh bottle by their heads. With me in bed and Ray sleeping on the couch, That spiked eggnog we had really knocked us out. When suddenly on the rooftop I heard such a clatter. I slowly limped out of bed to see what was the matter. After making it through the toy obstacle course at last I peered through the blinds across our neighbors grass. The moon shinning down on the freshly fallen rain Cast eerie shadows upon our windowpane. There were no sound of reindeers or sleigh up top, Only a few ravens making a midnight stop. I felt like returning to bed, but I paused and stayed. Then I closed my eyes and started to pray- God, thank you for allowing me to be a mother and a loving wife, And thank you for letting me live to see this night. Thank you for my husband- my hero, my friend. May we both live to be 110. I then kissed my hubby on the forehead And checked on the children asleep in bed. This night needs no jolly old man in a red suite, With rosy cheeks and big black boots. All it needs is what I have right here, A family that I cherish and love so dear. And to all our family and friends, north, south, east and west, May your holidays be merry and your lives be blessed. Merry Christmas for the Mattinglys