Saturday, June 6, 2009

Good News, Good Times

While Elektra and I were stuck at the Social Service Place, waiting for them to approve the Food Stamp Card for us, Elektra entertained me by singing. She reminded me a Choir Girl. Leonard and Michelle were FINALLY able to come to the Blue House to see Elektra! No more Clover House visitations! It was such a nice afternoon. The 3 of them played together for about an hour. Then we went out to dinner. Next time Mom and Dad are here, we are going back to that little restaurant. It was really good.

After we got back to the Blue House, Leonard blew tons of bubbles for Elektra, because it was a BUBBLE DAY!!They also played out back. Elektra loves to swing. You keep pushing, she will keep swinging. And Swinging. Doesn't it just make your heart happy to see the three of them together? Look at their beautiful faces and smiles.

Did you see how long that grass is? Well, I mowed it today, so it looks good now.

The last day of School!! My boys plus Zachary's best friend, Avery went to BK and to the movie, Night at the Museum (part 2). They said it was very good, and they had a blast hanging out.

Twice this week they went to Universal Studios.
On Men In Black, Mike had 3000 more points than Zachary, which is like ONE alien more!

Getting ready to go on SpiderMan!

They love playing in the water. Especially on such warm days. Christina brought 2 friends with her. I bet Woody was a happy boy! With Betty Boop. Do the shorts have to be so short!? This is the new Roller Coaster they are building. Supposed to of been done already. Now its scheduled for a fall opening. Look out Frank!!! T-Rex must not of gotten his fill with Super Skinny Frank. Although it looks like Zachary is tall enough for The Mummy Ride, they wouldn't let him on. It is a very jerky Roller Coaster, so he really needs to be a bit bigger. Mike and the boys love to play the carnival games. This is why...They always win stuffed animals. Because we don't have enough. Probably just under 1000. or Two. Ever since seeing that tornado in Key Largo, the boys have been freaked out when storms come. Caleb's last day of school stuff.

Zachary's design. I hope those dolls hold on!

Every time there is a horse race on, they place bets. These are the prizes.

Zachary helped Daddy cook breakfast today.

Christina and her friend going to a party tonight.

Party Safe Girls! Leonard and Michelle drove to AZ last night. My cousin Kim's memorial service is on Monday. For those of you wondering who she is, she is my moms first cousin on my grandma Ann's side. She developed Leukemia after under going chemotherapy for breast cancer. She only found out about 5 weeks ago that she had gotten Leukemia.

My thoughts and prayers are with my AZ family during this sad time.