Thursday, March 20, 2008

Caleb's 4 year checkup

Here is a picture of a few of Christinas friends that went to the beach with us last Sunday. I mentioned in an earlier post that they ate alot. Well we bought 4 foot long subs and before Mike and I could sit down and eat some ourselves, they were all gone!! So we decided to take our boys with us to McDonalds and every single one of these kids asked us to get them hamburgers. The big guy? He ate 2 double cheeseburgers on top of a foot long. Wow. Glad he is not mine to feed every day!! I would have to go to work just to buy food!!
Caleb had his 4 year well check today. He is 41 1/2 inches tall, (76th percentile) and weighs 36 pounds ( 50th percentile). Everything looked good with him. They checked his eyesight, and he had trouble with the 2nd from the bottom line. They put it at 20/40. But she wasn't worried at this point. Hell, I couldn't see the 3rd from the bottom line! He knew all the symbols except for the cross. Yeah! It means he IS paying attention when we are playing preschool! He responded well to most of the questions, except when she tested his hearing. He was supposed to lift his hand whenever he heard a beep but he wouldn't lift it until she was all done. He did that 3 times. She asked him what he heard and he told her he hears a beep. She wasn't really concerned with that. Since he told her the sound she figures he heard it, but just doesn't understand to lift his hand everytime. Then he had to get 3 shots. He sat in my lap while she did them and cried very silently. But never moved or screamed. After his appt we went to Zachary's school to surprise him at lunch. Its always fun watching him with his classmates and how they react to him. The girls are always talking to him with cute little giggles as they follow him around. I really hope they don't hold him back. He seems to have so many friends. We know it may be better for him school work wise, but we are more worried about socially. Although, he did tell me yesterday when he was doing homework and struggling a bit, that if he repeats he will already know this stuff and will be the smartest kid next year instead of the only one not in AR. (advance reading). We have a parent teacher meeting Tuesday morning. I am going to see about getting him into more tutoring. Even if we have to pay for it ourselves. Tomorrow morning (no school) we are heading down to West Palm Beach till Saturday evening. I love going there and looking at all the big fancy houses!! Have a great Easter!!