Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Golf Fest

Saturday morning we took the boys to Golf Fest. Mikey asked Caleb if he wanted to play golf with other kids close to his age. He of course said "YES!" Zachary said "NO!"
however once we got there he wanted to play.

Every time they 'scored' they got a ticket to spin a wheel for a prize.

Zachary won a hat and Caleb won golf balls.

Here, Caleb made every 'basket'.

On the driving range.

This and another cameraman followed the boys around. But I haven't seen them in the paper.

At the tournament, Caleb and Zachary behaved like we have taught them to behave while on a golf course. The 5 year old boy that played with us however was a completely different story. He kept running around and yelling, screaming. Caleb kept looking at him and saying "He is doing No No's"

The poor kid couldn't hit his golf ball most of the time, and the dad was constantly telling him what to change, how to stand etc.

Both of our boys played a very good game.

At the end of the day the little golfers were worn out.

We only went as far as the 7th hole. The play was so slow that they were starting to get totally bored becoming wild and out of control. So we packed it up and came home.

Over all tho it was a fun day!

The kids have half days all week. I wish they'd just make the first two days full days, then just give them vacation days. Christina gets out at 9:40. Whats the point? There is no school on Friday and Monday. We were going to go camping, but it is supposed to be about 58 for the high, 41 for the low, and rainy. And the forest we were going to go to is even chillier. That is much too cold for our thin blood. So we decided to stay home. We will go to the Science Center on Sunday, and to the boat show on Saturday. Universal on Thursday. Christinas boyfriend is coming with us. Yes she has a boyfriend. They have been dating for 1 month. His name is Robbie, he is 17 and a very nice kid. Here is a picture of him and 2 other friends. He is the one in the middle. And now the fun really starts...........