Thursday, November 29, 2007

Zachary is sick AGAIN

Zachary is sick again. Yesterday when he came home I noticed he had very dark circles under his eyes. Then when he and Caleb were running around and when came over to give me a hug I could hear he was wheezing. I had him sit with me for awhile to do his homework, and even after sitting for 20 minutes he was still wheezing. I called the Dr and got him in at 6. I was so happy they have after hours, and we were new patients too. I thought for sure I'd have to take him to the Urgent Care. The Dr is only a 8 min drive away! Zachary didn't understand why he was going to the Dr because he said he felt fine.
She took one look at him and could tell he was a sick little boy. He was only getting 94% oxygen. That was why he had 'black' eyes.She diagnosed him with asthma. My younger brother has it too. She gave us prescriptions. 5 of them I had to have filled. It cost $108 instead of $447. Thank God for insurance. We happened to have a breathing machine because when Zachary was 1 the Dr said he had asthma, but since it immediately turned into pneumonia, we didn't think it was asthma. So at 9:00 last night I pulled it out of the box, and sterilized it. Poor kid was practically asleep. But after one treatment, he stopped wheezing. He went right to sleep, and I checked on him quite a few times during the night, he never started wheezing again! Yeah! I gave him a treatment this morning and his color in his eyes looks almost normal. A tad bit dark but nothing like yesterday. He also has a swollen septum on his right nostril. So we have nose spray for him. He rubs his nose so much that he has a little crease right in the middle. It doesn't drip, so we never really thought much about it. But the Dr thinks he has had that for quite awhile since he had the crease. When I asked Zachary about his nose, he said he just thought he had more boogers on that side.
Poor kid! She gave us a new prescription for eczema. It is a topical oil. You wet the skin then put a drop on your fingers and rub it into the bad areas. It does not have steroids. Its called Derma-Smooth. She also gave us Hydroxyzine for his itchiness at night. It is a prescription strength version of Benadryl. Now as you know, I rarely have ever given my kids meds. (children's med recall anyone?) I don't give them antibiotics unless they absolutely need it. (ear infections clear up on their own, they just need Motrin for the pain) Zachary took antibotics once and developed a rash all over his body. That was the last time. I went ahead and filled that prescription, tho since we are going to AZ and I am afraid he will flair up again. I don't want him to be miserable at night. In AZ he used to scratch all night long in his sleep, and rarely got a true good nights sleep. At least his eczema is better here. He is still dry and itchy, but he doesn't have the red inflammed burning areas. Or the cracked skin. I'm looking at changing his diet to see if it is actually a food allergy that may be causing the asthma and eczema.
My poor little guy! :(