Thursday, June 4, 2009

Every day should be a Bubble Day

I spent yesterday morning running around trying to get someone to help me get financial support for my niece. I feel that since the State took custody of her, the State should be paying for her needs. I had to bring the CPS Investigator with me, and its a good thing to, because they even tried to railroad her. I know I would of never gotten anywhere if she hadn't been able to muscle her way to the top. I now have an appt today at 9am, where earlier in the day they told it would be at least a month. I have to go without the backup help today, but hopefully she got the ball rolling enough that I wont get the runaround. I also intend to write as many people in Government explaining my problems with getting support. I have been told so many different stories by so many different people it is a joke. One explanation I got was that my brother, a Navy man, makes too much money. Michelle is wondering how come those millions of dollars he makes isn't being deposited in their account. I directly asked the 'Powers that Be' "If I was just a foster mom with no relation to the family would I have already received support?" Answer? "Oh yes, absolutely" Discrimination!!!! This is just one problem that we have been facing. Ok, on to the part you really look at my blog for.... Pictures!! After all the running around I did, Elektra and I stopped at Target and Home Depot. We bought flowers to plant in the front yard. But first I had to pull the weeds. Soo many weeds.... But look how pretty it is starting to look. I bought several plants and flowers. Although there are not many flowers left on the plants because Elektra plucked most of the flowers off. She loves to pick flowers!

While I was working on the flower beds, Elektra was playing in the sprinklers. She LOVES playing in the water! Here she is in the back yard playing in the sprinklers. I don't know how she does it, but she will spin around in circles for the longest time! I get dizzy just watching her!

Elektra loves the Gymboree bubbles, like all my kids do. And I love blowing bubbles as all my family knows! If you have never blown Gymboree bubbles I suggest you run to your nearest Gymboree store, and get some. No matter what kind of day you are having, it will instantly brighten with these bubbles.

She is really good at blowing them all by herself, although she mostly loves to dance with them while I make myself light headed blowing them.

My parents were here for the weekend, and while mom, Leonard and Michelle went shopping, my dad had lunch with Elektra and I, then hung out at our house for the day. Elektra is a Poppie girl!

These pictures are from the middle of May when we went to my brothers restaurant. I had forgotten to post them before, so here they are now.

Zachary is so handsome in his Boy Scout uniform!

Caleb jumping on a bounce house while Zachary 'worked' his booth.

Zachary had a Cub Scout Graduation party last week. He was a wolf, now he is a???? Leonard would know, since he is an Eagle Scout. (the highest you can get, quite an honor)

I forgot to ask Mike what Zacharys new rank is.

Yummy cakes! Bet Zachary didn't eat this one. Its chocolate.

I bet he had this one! Congrats Zachary!The kids last day of school is tomorrow. Zachary has a Boy Scout Day Camp that he will be attending. I hope I can get some pictures of him.