Monday, January 21, 2008

Busy Weekend

On Thursday we took the kids and a friend of Christina's to IOA.
Caleb really wanted to ride "One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish".
So it was their first ride. I didn't go on it because it sprays you with water.

The boys finally got brave and got their picture taken with this character. Any idea what its name is? We don't know either.
Zachary wanted his picture taken with the Grinch, but Caleb said "NO WAY" This is Sinbads 8th Voyage. Its a very neat stage show. Zachary absolutely loved the show. The fireworks scared Caleb a little bit. But he did ok.

Here we are in the Discovery Center in Jurassic Park.

We got to watch a Dinosaur hatching out of its egg.

Zachary got to name this girl dinosaur. He named her Muffin.

Caleb is 44 inches now, so he is tall enough to go on the Jurassic Park ride.

This was Zacharys first time as well. They did really good and enjoyed the peaceful boat ride.

Then at the very end you come face to face with a huge T-Rex. Just as its getting ready to eat you, the boat goes down. Down. Down. Down.

We are in the front. Wheeeee!!! When we got to the bottom, both boys burst into tears. They didn't stop crying until we got off the boat. Then all of a sudden, Zachary said, "wow that was fun, lets go again." Caleb was done tho. "NO way am I going on that Dinosaur ride AGAIN." So Mike took Zachary one more time. The pictures above are of their boat coming down. This time they sat in the back. Zachary loved the ride!

Here the boys are at the Boat Show. We went here on Friday. It was alot of fun looking at the boats but Caleb kept wanting to know when the show would start.

On Saturday Mike took the boys to the Science Center. For this week only they have video game area, with all the new game systems all the way to the original ones like Atari. They dropped Christina and I off at a hotel for a modeling audition she heard of on the radio. This was our first time going to one of these, so we weren't sure what to expect. I looked it up online and it looked legit, and free. One thing I have heard alot of is, DON'T pay for anything. The legitimate ones, do not charge. The person running it was the founder of Model Search NYC. He said that most people would not get picked. The reason they are so different from other ones is that when the other ones pick you, YOU pay $3000 - $4000 to attend the expo that modeling agencies attend, and you may, or may not get a callback. So of course they pick ALOT of people so that their cost is little to nothing, or they make a big profit. The one we are going to, they are putting on a $750,000 Expo for free. For every model they pick, THEY pay for the entire thing, not the wannabe models. So they are only going to pick the ones that they think can make it in the modeling industry. Out of about 200 people he picked 30 or so and Christina was one of them!!! She is going to a photo shoot March 8. Included in all this, NYC makes her a portfolio, and a composite card. FREE! And she gets the CD of all her photos. He asked someone in the audition how much they paid for theirs, and they said $1000!! I'm glad she is getting her start here! Thank goodness I listened to a friend of mine and my brother, and we didn't get taken for lots of money! The Expo is the last weekend of April. She will get to meet the heads of 35 top modeling agencies in the country. How exciting for her!

Go Christina!!!