Friday, November 23, 2007

No Turkeys

I hope everyone had a great Turkey day and dinner! Today we went grocery shopping, and there were NO turkeys. Yep. None. All they had was frozen turkey breast. Not exactly the meal I was planning on. Soooo... Sent Mikey and the boys to a different grocery across the street to see if they had fresh turkeys. Or frozen. But at least a whole turkey. They had 2. 2 at 20 pounds. We have 4. 4 people to eat a 20 pound turkey. HMMmmmm. Ok, so "how much" I asked. $15. for 20 pounds. The store I was at was $15 for one turkey BREAST. Might as well get the big one. So now I am in the process of getting a 20 pound turkey ready instead of an 8 pound one, for tomorrow. I guess the biggest difference is in the cooking time. Instead of 3 hours now its closer to 5. I do not stuff. In fact, I wasn't going to do stuffing at all, but Mikey said he LOVES stuffing. Sooo, homemade stuffing it is. I cant stand box stuffing, so I got several whole wheat french bread loafs (bread maker anyone?), chicken apple sausage, sage, apples and parsnips, and I will make my own. Especially since I will have a ton of turkey stock thanks to that 20 pounder. I should like my own stuffing. hmm. we'll see. Christina comes home tonight! Yeah! I know she loves being home (*Phx that is) but we really miss her not being around here. Caleb keeps asking "when is Nene going to be home?" Sorry Christina, I know you want to stay in Phx, but we NEED you here. Its just not the same without you. Sorry there are no pics today. Tomorrow while we hang Christmas decos and cook, I will take some pics. I even bought stuff to make cookies tomorrow. I miss being at Grammas today. It just isn't the same...... Only 3 1/2 weeks till we get to go home and see everyone. We can not wait!