Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Don't enjoy reading? Try the Bible

There was a book fair at the boys school. They each got Pizza, book and a yummy smelling pencil!

They started reading them as soon as we got home.

Caleb got off the bus the other day super excited because one of his classmates, Tyler T, lives Right NEXT to Us!! Just 6 houses down! Finally! He has his very OWN friend! And he is close by! (the last 'best' friend he had lived about 30 mins away. doesn't make playdates very convienent.)

Tyler T (thats what Caleb calls him) has a little brother that is 3. So they both came over during the weekend to play.  All 5 of them had so much fun! They jumped on the trampoline after putting ICE on it. I dont get it
They played inside a little. The movie Caleb is putting in, lasted about 2 minutes before they were outside running around again. Thank goodness! Look at the toys they decided to play with!

  The weather has been so nice the last few days we all want to be outside!
I never thought I would see the day that Zachary would come in from playing outside to read.

And read he DID!  Elektra gets packages from her mom and dad once a week. A few weeks ago they put in her box her Beginners Children Bible. Zachary looked at it, and the next thing I knew, he had read 20 pages.  Almost every day he has taken it to school to read during Reading. He also sits (on his OWN!) and reads it.  He finished it last night! 508 pages! WOW! Daddy and I are so proud of you Zachary!! 
This morning, he turned to Caleb and said, "Here Caleb, its your turn to read it now. Its the best book you will read!"  I will start reading the stories to Caleb and Elektra. Zachary wants me to start with his favorite stories first.  He bookmarked David & Goliath.

In Elektra's last package she got some stickers (and other goodies)
She put them all over herself with Einstien the Cats supervision.
Christina and her friends met us at Target. They needed money.
 Hmm. I guess I need to find a money tree to plant.  or my daughter needs to get a job! hint hint.
We took the boys to get the Swine Flu shot.  Seminole County schools were offering them for free.  I really debated about getting them the vaccination, but knowing how sick Zachary gets, and how he catches viruses so easily, I decided to go ahead with it. The news stations were there filming it, and we got in a few shots. 

"In my nose? Im getting a shot in my nose?" 

No, not a shot, but a spray. They got it the easy way.

Elektra and Caleb are getting into the Halloween spirit. They are pretending to be ghosts rather than eating.

This is why Mikey is the FUN parent.

They wrestle and attack him nightly.  Sometimes daily too.

We are heading to Boy Scout Family Campout this weekend! For 2 nights. The kids get to bring their costumes and Trick Or Treat at the campsites. Then we get to hear Ghost Stories. They will also have Boys Scout Activities for the kids to do. Please do NOT rain! Please!