Saturday, December 8, 2007

Zachary Update

We took Zachary to a different pediatrician yesterday afternoon, and she said she doesn't think he has asthma, but rather, Reactive Airway Disease. Which would actually be better than asthma because asthma is chronic, and RAD is brought on by a reaction to something that he is allergic too. On Sunday I took off all the window screens and sprayed every window seal in the house with Tilex. I left the windows open thinking I was airing the house out. Then after letting it sit for awhile, we closed the windows and power sprayed all the mold off. We are thinking that he had a reaction to the Tilex, and possibly the mold since the screens were no longer covering it up. He is obviously allergic to other things since he had a less severe reaction last Wed. The Dr wants him allergy tested and thinks we will find out he is allergic to quite a few things, especially the pollens and molds that we have here in GREEN Florida. He didn't have any of these kinds of things in Phx, except he did get 'chest colds' often. Maybe that was reactions to things there,? but they weren't as severe as the whole Tilex thing on Sunday. So we are doing a lifestyle change until we can get to the Allergist (not till January) and figure out exactly what he is allergic to. All of my cleaning will be done first thing in the morning after taking him to school to give the house a chance to air out, and I will no longer use the cleaning solutions I have been using. (I am the kind of person that uses Clorox on EVERYTHING that I can, and several times a day too) So, out goes all that, and I am in the process of ordering 'Green' Cleaners. They are 100% organic with no chemicals. We aren't letting him outside when Mikey mows the grass, and I am paying attention to the pollen count which is high in the spring and fall here. I am also keeping a diary of what he eats, when he eats, when he goes outside etc. Its a start at least. Hopefully we can prevent another episode until we can figure out exactly what is going on. Poor Zachary. He hates being cooped up inside, and has a hard time understanding why he cant run around outback. We are also having to limit Caleb, since its not fair to Zachary. That is making Caleb very upset because he wants to go outside and golf. At least he can still do that while Zachary is in school. Hopefully being in cool (!) Phx for a few weeks will give him a chance to get outside and play. Its still 83 here, and humid, and there is alot of pollen in the air. We moved here hoping to help his Eczema, and it only made things worse for him. :(