Monday, November 17, 2008

I'm Published

So... Do you like my new layout? Its so ME! Purple!! And hearts!! I found a few other ones that I would like to apply as well, so don't be surprised if it changes soon. I also put cute little boxes of sayings on the side. Cute huh? Mikes brother Kevin got in Saturday evening. Since my birthday is tomorrow we were originally going out then. But I got to thinking...Sushi on Tuesday night might not be the same as Sushi on Sat. Also we wanted to go to the Cigar Bar next door. It would definitely be more fun on Sat night than Tues. We are not having fun or anything are we?! Kevin eats sushi on a regular basis, similar to Mike and I, so he pretty much knew what he wanted. But we did talk him into one of our favorite dishes, Shrimp Heads. Yum! We ordered 3 rounds (6 total) He did eat one, but wasn't terribly impressed. That's OK, more for the birthday girl! Then after stuffing ourselves full of sushi and sake, we headed next door to the Cigar bar. Kevin bought each of us a cigar that was very good. I enjoyed my 'cigaretto' while he and Mike had some big fat cigars. Then Kevin disappeared for a few, and came back grinning like a Cheshire Cat. Oh boy, what did he do? This is a Cigar Bong. You can choose from quite a few flavors. He let us guess for awhile. Mike and I were totally surprised at how easy this was to smoke from. The flavors were wonderful, and you never felt like you were smoking a big heavy cigar. He choose Mango and Mint. Yummy! Very smooth. I kept thinking it tasted like chocolate mint. Very impressive! We had so much fun, I am wondering if we can do it again Tuesday? The boys were very disappointed that Uncle Kevie was not going to hang out with them all night. They were so excited to see him, you'd have thought it was their long lost uncle or something. Even Zachary couldn't wait until his computer game was over, and ended it early just because "Uncle Kevie is so fun to play with." They really have fun playing with him. They cannot wait until Uncle Kevie is back on Tuesday to Play with them.

Meanwhile the boys are enjoying a golfing road trip. They headed down south Sunday morning while I recovered from the biggest hangover in a very long time. Damn Sake!It looks like a wonderful golf course right on the ocean, in Palm Beach. I know they are super competitive, so I can only imagine the betting that must be going on. But as long as they are having fun....! Today a letter I wrote to the Editors of our Orlando Sentinel newspaper was published.

Yeah me!!

During our election Florida had Amendment 2 on the ballot. It was there so Gay Marriage could be outlawed. Well first of all, it is already illegal in the state of Florida, but now that they passed it, it is ILLEGAL. What??? Basically it bans any persons from being able to get health care coverage for a 'significant other'. Or having any rights as a 'significant other'. This is not only for Gay people, but for couples who, for whatever reason, decide to live together rather than marry. (including older couples whose pensions and social security etc would be less if they remarry). Having been in the Salon business all of my adult life I have been around Gay people. My brother is Gay. My husbands Aunt is Gay. To me, they are just like every single other person out there. They work. They pay taxes. They enjoy movies. They enjoy going out to dinner. They enjoy spending time with family. They enjoy spending time with friends. They are intelligent. They are absolutely NO DIFFERENT than any other persons I have had the pleasure of meeting. I find it so irritating that people in today's society can look at other human beings and decide that THEY have the RIGHT to DENY basic rights to them, just because they are slightly different. This is a society that has now elected a half white-half BLACK person to be our President. When our grandparents were children, Black people were targets of so many hate crimes. Even when our parents were kids there was still segregation. Yet, they are no different than you and I. And now society has waken up to that fact. There are as many wonderful Black, Hispanic, Jewish, ETC people as there are 'white' people. Yet the Gay community is STILL being discriminated against. This will end someday. And it will start with us. With our generation that grew up with other races of people as our friends and family members. Just as our children will grow up with Gay people as their friends and family members. There will be a day where discrimination against Gay people will no longer be tolerated.

Its exciting to know I had a say in this matter. Now if only more people came forward like me, maybe our children will grow up in a society that no one is discriminated against, because we are all Human Beings that deserve FAIRNESS!

Christina and her friends had a birthday party for Big Mike. He is the guy sitting in the center. This is Christina and Katelyn goofing off. Do they ever do anything else? lol Here is Christina and Ashley having fun. Oh my. Christina is 'dancing' on our neighborhood sign. Too cute aren't they?