Thursday, November 15, 2007

Date Night at IOA

Mike got done at work early, so he got home right when Zachary did. We left Christina in charge of the boys and we went on date night to Islands of Adventure at Universal Studios. Or IOA. We got there at 3:00. The park closes at 6. It was so empty that we got to ride 11 rides! 5 of which were the Hulk! This is the web site to look at the rides in action. When we got there we bought our Thing 1 and Thing 2 shirts. I am going to get black fabric paint and paint Daddy and Mommy above Thing. We've tried to talk Christina into getting one, but of course she is too cool to wear that. Some one might see her!

Here are some of the rides we went on.

Dueling Dragons. Very Cool! But over too quickly.

This is the Hulk. It is a long coaster, and alot of fun! There is no bad seat on this one! Dr Doom was OK. It only went up once. I cant imagine waiting an hour in line for this ride. We walked right onto every ride. When we bought our new shirts I put our other ones into the bag and tied it around my fannypack. When we got to Dr Doom I discovered that it was missing. :( The worker at the entrance walked back to look for it while we went on the ride. After we got off the ride we walked back thru the walk way to the entrance. The worker hadn't found it, so we walked back over to the Hulk which we had rode before Dr Doom. On the way there I saw a bag next to a couple sitting on a bench that looked like mine. Since they had a stroller, and I know when I have the stroller ALL my stuff goes into the bottom of it. So I asked them if that was their bag. They said "No, theres 2 t-shirts in it" Yeah!! I found my bag with our clothes!! Both of which were favorite T-shirts! After that we put it in a locker. We had appetizers at a Latino restaurant. Man, its alot cheaper without 3 or 4 kids!! It was a great night, and really spoiled us by not having any waits. On Sunday Christina is flying home to Phx. She is sooo excited. Monday till Wed we are going to be in Miami. I need to start looking for Condos to stay at. Thanksgiving we are taking the boys to Universal Studios. I am not going to cook the turkey until Christina is home. So probably the next Saturday night I will make Thanksgiving Dinner. We'll put up our Christmas lights then too. Our neighbors have already put up their Christmas Lights. They put them up Nov. 9th. sheesh!