Sunday, November 4, 2007

A Week WithOUT Mikey

Where or where has my hubby gone??? Sheesh! We have never been separated for sooo long before. The last time I saw him was at 5am Oct 29th. He then flew to San Francisco for what was supposed to be 1 day. Uh-huh. That was 1 week ago. Long story short, the part he ordered to fix the camera came from Canada. Well, someone in customs didn't do their job and file the correct paperwork. The part is sitting behind the counter, 5 feet from Mike, and they wont release it to him. Not only is he having to waste all his time, but the hospital had to cancel thier patients for the entire week! The part? A Circuit board. Yep, thats it. The only good thing that came out of his waste of time, and missing Halloween, and being gone from home for no reason, was that he got to fly up on Friday and visit with his family. His mom had been in the hospital due to a gall bladder attack. They removed it, and she is much better. She didn't know that he was coming in, and was very happy and surprised to him! So he got to spend the weekend with his whole family. How great is that! Oh, and while he was waiting in San Fran, he got to visit with my brother, sister in law and their baby, Elektra. (lucky!) We have not been doing too much. Yesterday we spent a few hours at the mall. I know Christina loves to go shopping, but taking the boys and expecting them to be into it, and behave is a joke. So I can only last so long chasing after them. They all got something new. Christina got new under garments, and High heels, (yeah! new shoes for me to wear) Zachary got new shirts size 5-6, and 4 new books that are Chapter books. Caleb also picked out 3 books. I love it that they enjoy being read to. Caleb lasts about 1 1/2 books and Zachary about 2 books or for the Chapter books, about 2 chapters. Christina got her report card: Biology.....B World History.....B Excellent Conduct/Attitude Geometry.....C Shows Strong Effort Aerobics.....A English.....B Entrepreneurship.....A Yeah Christina!!! Good Job!!! Zachary's school does report cards TRImesters. Not 4 semesters. Weird. So his doesn't come out until the end of Nov. He is doing well tho according to his teacher. He is right where he needs to be. His speech is going good so far. He enjoys speech days. I do wish they had uniforms. I cant believe I just wrote that. But its so true! Every morning he cant decide what to wear. And most of the time he keeps trying to wear Calebs clothes. That is why I bought him 5 new shirts. He picked them out, so he will wear them. He is more pickier than his 15 year old sister! I think my hubby will be home tomorrow, at least that is what I am hoping for. Then I wonder if I can go on a week long trip by myself? LOL

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