Monday, November 12, 2007

Zachary is sick :(

Sunday was nice outside so we spent most of the day playing in the backyard. The kids were hitting around a big balloon, and hit it over the fence. Christina being the agile one that she is, climbed up and over and got the balloon. Of course that was when I went inside and missed getting a pic of it. We watched the race outside, and had bbq hamburgers. Then after we went to bed, Zachary woke up sick. Poor guy. He threw up till 3 am. Yuck. My poor little guy. He is home from school today, and seems to be better. At least he is keeping his breakfast down. Which by the way, was a healthy (!) lemon and strawberry cupcake he snuck out of the fridge. Right now Zachary is on the other computer. I IM'd him and he is IMing me back! He is doing great in typing and spelling, and sounding things out on his own. Here is a copy of our IM. MsScorpi2: HI Zachary MsScorpi2: ZACHARY!!!!!!! MsScorpi2: HOW ARE YOU? MsScorpi2: WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Piekels2: Hi mommy!!!!!!! MsScorpi2: VERY GOOD!! Piekels2: I LOVU mommy MsScorpi2: I LOVE YOU TOO ZACHARY Piekels2: mommy MsScorpi2: ZACHARY!! HOW ARE YOU? Piekels2: How or you mommy MsScorpi2: I AM GOOD. Isnt that great?! Way to go Zachary! Well he must be feeling better because now he is chasing Caleb with that balloon!

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