Thursday, December 13, 2007

Our meeting with Zacharys Teacher

This morning we had a parent teacher meeting with Zachary's teacher. It went as well as what we expected. We know just by doing homework with him every night that he is struggling. Here is what she typed up for us: "Zachary is reading on a DRA level 4 which is below the level expected for this time of year. (He should be at a level 8) He is working on using phonemic awareness skills to decode unknown words. He is inconsistent with his skill and this effects his fluency and comprehension. Zachary is often able to read a story more fluently after reading it several times. He is having difficulty with comprehension after reading books on the expected level for this time of year. In writing, Zachary is working on writing in complete sentences and having the sentences make sense. His difficulty with sound/letter connection makes it hard for him to do "best guess" spelling when writing. In math he seems to understand most new concepts with just a little extra small group instruction. Zachary has difficulty sometimes understanding and following directions given to the whole group. He also does not always ask for help when he needs it or does not understand. We are placing Zachary on a Progress Monitoring Plan. Continue to read with him each night having him retell the story. Read again even if he needs to take the same book home again the next day. Work on sight words to help build fluency. Practice handwriting and writing in complete sentences. Review math papers for concept understanding. We are also having him tested for Language Screening." With the PMP he will be placed in very small groups where the teacher works with him for 90 minutes a day. I don't know if he will be held back next year, but it looks like a very good possibility. I really think that we should of waited before we put him in kindergarten. He is the second youngest in his class and I don't think he is mature enough yet. I cant imagine these parents that force little ones into school just because they don't want to pay for daycare anymore. We didn't pay daycare, and didn't HAVE to put him in, and now looking back I really wish I would of followed my instincts. But he seemed like he was ready, he knew his ABC's and numbers etc, and seemed so smart. (Everyone always said he was soo smart), but I really think he isn't mature enough. There is the possibility that he has a learning disorder. However unfortunately they don't test for that until the child is 7. So we will see first what the extra time in school does for him. Mike and I help every night with homework, (we DON'T do it for him) but sometimes he does need alot of instruction and gets frustrated easily. We also read every night, but sometimes he will see the same word over and over again and will forget it each and every time. The teacher gave us some ideas to work with hard words. These words are: with, when, that, where, want. These are definitely words he should easily know at this point but EVERY time he sees them he forgets how they are pronounced. There are also of course a dozen other words, but these ones I have been working with him since day 1 of first grade. So I am making flashcards of them and putting them on the TV, the playstation, the refrigerator, the shower, his bike etc and he has to say them three times before he can get whatever it is. We limit TV and playstation, these are special times only. Same with the computer. I try to make him play learning games, and not the other ones. I am so thankful that the school has these options and that he has a teacher that is on top of it. Last year we only heard good things. I don't know if it is because Dysart has lower standards, or his teacher didn't pay much attention, or if its just starting to show because school is getting harder. But I don't want him struggling for the next how many years because he has trouble keeping up. I really wish they has something like this for Christina. She struggled with reading and all her school suggested was "She needs to try harder" She was... "She has ADD she needs med" NO she didn't.... She just needed extra attention and time to process the information. She does well now, but she really struggled 1-5 grade. And now she understands that when she doesn't understand, to ask for help. Today Mike, Caleb and I are going to go have lunch with him. He will be so excited to see us. I think I will make that a twice a week fun thing for him. (At least until he is old enough that he doesn't WANT mommy coming to school to sit with him) :) Tomorrow I will post the pictures of them at the Grinch Show at IOA. It was a lot of fun! But I gotta head up to the school to surprise him!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its great that his teacher is on top of it.