Saturday, March 29, 2008

Dinner and a Frog

We are leaving tomorrow morning for Boca Raton. We will probably be there thru Wed. That is is our 8th wedding anniversary! 8 years!! Married to my best friend! Awww.
Since we will be gone over April 1st, I decided to do our April Fools Dinner tonight.
I made meatloaf and 'frosted' it with mashed potatoes.
I didn't let the kids see what I was making until after it was done.
We called the boys in, (Christina is at Robbies) and started singing Happy Birthday to Speedy. Our turtle.
The boys were like 'WHAT?? Cake for dinner?"
Then after they blew out the candles Zachary started smelling it.
"It doesn't SMELL like cake mommy. It LOOKS like it, but somethings wrong with it. It smells funny."
I cut into the 'double layer cake' and he really was like "EWWW, thats NOT cake Mommy." Caleb on the other hand was totally fooled. "Yummy!! Cake for dinner!! I cant wait to eat cake!"
I think Caleb ended up being the most disappointed that it wasn't cake.
However they loved the taste of it!!
I will post the recipe on my recipe blog. Very easy to make as well!
This comic from Family Circle is SOO our boys.
Billy is saying "I'm telling on you."
Then at the bottom it says "What was it you did again?" Mike and I laughed so hard at this because they are in the tattling stage. I think they "tattle' on each 1000 times a day. I am at the point where "unless you are bleeding, I don't care!!!" This grapefruit is off our Grapefruit Bush. I say Bush because it is only 5 feet tall and full of grapefruits. The grapefruits are huge, but sour. Maybe I need to take the fruit off before they get so big? I've never had a citrus plant before, so I need to find out how and when to harvest it. Right now we are sitting outside enjoying the beautiful weather. Its probably 75 degrees. Zachary is riding his bike and Caleb is rolling his golf balls down the little hill. I don't like Zachary riding in the street. I only want him on the sidewalk. Then a neighbor a few houses down pulled into her driveway. She parked her back tires ON the sidewalk. HELLO??? She has 12 feet from the front of her van to her garage. So I walked over there and asked her VERY NICELY to please move her van off the sidewalk so my children could continue to ride on the sidewalk and not in the street. Well, she moved it up alright. Can you tell how much? Her back end is still hanging out over the sidewalk. She totally has about 10 feet of space to pull forward. What is up with that? Why cant people get their cars back ends OFF the sidewalk so we can use the sidewalks for what they are meant for??
I told Mike that OH WELL if Zachary scratches her van while riding behind it, she has no one to blame but herself.
So I am sitting here typing this and the boys found a frog. They gave it to Mikey to hold and it jumped over to me. Of course I screamed. "AAAHHH get if off of me!!!"
He took it and put it back on his lap. Then it jumped on the computer!
It has spent the last 5 minutes trying to climb up the screen!!

We have it on video as well. How funny!!

Ok, its dark now, and time for the boys bath. We have a busy day tomorrow so hopefully they go to sleep early. Wait, no I take that back. We will keep them up a little later, so that hopefully they will nap on the way down to Boca Raton. We are going to get there before the race so we wont miss it! We have our priorities you know.

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