Monday, June 2, 2008

Camping with the Lovebugs

We got back from camping yesterday afternoon. It is sooo nice to have it so close. We used to have a several hour drive back home. Now its 25 minutes!! I still don't have any pictures. I think its something wrong with our phone server. Because now Mikey cant send pictures either. Maybe we can fix that today. Originally on Thursday we were going to camp at a certain place that Mike found online. But when we checked it out, we didn't care for it. Crowded, small spaces, and right next to the freeway. So we were driving back and I saw a sign that said Air boat Rides. We drove down a dirt road for about a mile and came to a beautiful lake, grassy area, lodge, and some cabins. Its called Loughman Lake. It was only 15 a night (versus 40 at the other) and we could camp anywhere in the 5 acres of grass and trees that we wanted. However, not too close to the waters edge because of alligators. We camped towards the right, upper middle. See the tiny water hole? Not to close to that. The boys walked over there while we were setting up and a huge 9 foot gator started swimming our way. We also saw big turtles in it. But it was the gator that gave us the most concern. At least they are fairly slow, and as long as we kept our eyes open we were OK. But nobody else (I did) wanted to go fishing. The Chickens!!! Thankfully these are not biting bugs, but OMG. They swarm in the millions. They were all over us. All over the tent. EVERYWHERE!!! They were soo bad that we were going to pack up and leave. Forget the shuttle, forget camping. Just get us away from the BUGS!! They are called love bugs because 2 times a year, May and Sept, they emerge from their eggs and they mate. Thats all they do. Mate and die. And OMG do they ever mate. It was horrible. The boys thought they were funny and would try and pull them apart. But after a few minutes they were done with the bugs too. The bugs are also very fragile. If you wipe them off your arm or leg, you kill them. Which means you have bug guts smeared on you now. Mike called Walmart (first time we have shopped at one since we moved here) and they had bug screens for our canopy. So we drove into Titusville, got a cover, set it up and enjoyed the rest of our afternoon. The launch was a perfect sight!! It was alot of fun watching it so much closer. (we were about 10 miles from it) We all brought our golf clubs, and since there was NO OTHER campers (!!Yeah!!) we played tree golf the rest of the afternoon. (Hit the ball to a palm tree. Palm tree is the *hole*. So, other than the first morning with the bugs, we had a very nice camping trip, and are looking forward to doing it again. MINUS the lovebugs! NO camping in May or Sept in Florida!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said... write alot in your blogs! Love it though as now I can keep up with all that's going on in FL. I only read them once a week or so (depending on how much work and school stuff I've got going on). LOVED LOVED LOVED the dinosaur blog!!! YEAH....two more Jurrasic lovers!! and you were worried! lol lol Can't wait to see you in 3 weeks!!!!!!