Friday, August 1, 2008

Passing Our Time By

Mikey got to CA safe and sound. He got in late Wed night, and worked all day Thursday. Then he met up with Leonard, Michelle, and Elektra. They had dinner at Hooters and had a great evening! (that's all I can say, because, so far, that's all I know!)

We are having a nice time hanging at home. Christina is driving more, so we went out driving for a little bit yesterday. I really wish I had brakes, and a steering wheel on my side. She has done real well so far, but I am a paranoid passenger. I don't think I help her very much either. "Look out for that car!" "MOM, its 2 parking spaces away" "Slow down, your turning too fast" "Its slower than you turned last time" "Speed up, you almost cut them off!" "You just told me to slow down." Ugh, I'm not very good at this. I swear I age every time I ride with her. Caleb loves to go out front and ride his tricycle. I'm trying to get him to ride his big boy bike, but this is a start. We made frozen Yogurt Popsicles today. Raspberry! Yummy! Its so simple. Couple cups of Greek (or plain) yogurt, 1/2 - same # cup frozen fruit, couple Tbs to taste Confectioner Sugar, blend till smooth, put in Popsicle cups, insert sticks, and freeze!

Wed night Christina has several girlfriends stay over, last night she stayed over there. She has been busy almost every day this summer. Her best friend, Katelyn has been over or with us so much, I feel like I've gained an extra daughter! Now I know how my parents felt when Ursula went every where with us! They always said they thought of her as an additional daughter. I don't get it. The boys chase the kittens, grab them, hold them, swing them, and are generally pretty rough with them. We are always telling them to BE GENTLE. Well, the cats must enjoy it, because they sleep snuggled next to the boys. All 3 cats!All night long, no matter how much the boys move around, those cats snuggle right in. Zachary is waiting for his favorite show to come on in our room... SpongeBob. Mike should be up to Seattle today. Provided the camera he worked on behaves it self. Have fun with my hubby! Send him home safely to us! Check out my Recipe Blog, if your interested, I have a few new recipes on it!

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