Saturday, August 23, 2008

Tropical Storm Fay

The beginning of the week brought a lot of anticipation about whether or not Tropical Storm Fay would turn into a hurricane.
Yes it was. No it was not. Yes it was. No it was not.
It was coming up the central part of Florida.
It was going to hit Tuesday.
All schools were cancelled.
The government offices were closed.
All the ma and pa stores closed.
The Media warned all day and night,
"Look out!"
Nothing happened.
It sprinkled....
For a min or two.... Here and there....
Then it was supposed to go out to the ocean and be gone.
Wed night it hit the Atlantic Ocean and stopped going east, paused, then headed west.
Directly over us.
Then it stopped.
And rained...

And rained... All day Thursday...

And rained.

And rained.... All day Friday...

And rained.

Yes Caleb, it is still raining. Its Saturday....

Look at the house across the street in the picture. See the lake behind it?

Your not supposed too...

This is today. It is still raining. But the winds are gone.

There was no school Tuesday or Wed. Then, because the storm missed us, they said school was in session on Thursday. It was raining so hard Thursday morning, I told Christina to stay home. She didn't want to, of course, so I drove her to the bus stop, along with some of her friends we saw walking on the way.

By the time it was Zachary's turn to get on his bus, the storm was so bad we said,

"I don't care what the school says, we are not letting him go to school in this!"

By early afternoon, Seminole County announced that any student that missed that day, would NOT be counted as absent. The storm was so bad that most of the kids didn't show up.

Christina got home safe and sound but was mad that she COULD OF stayed home without consequences!

This morning we woke to partially blue skies.

Then it started raining.


The things we noticed about this storm. There was no Thunder or Lightning. None.

The News Media go way way OVER BOARD in the storm coverage. I record Days Of Our Lives on DVR everyday. Not once, all week long, was Days on. Nope. All storm coverage. It was hundreds of miles from us on Monday, but Tropical Storm Fay was the center of every TV station. There were no daily TV shows on all week. Even the cable channels had banners scrolling across the top and bottom of the screen.

We do have weather channels for crying out loud!

Good Grief! I can only cringe when I think about what storm coverage will be like when we have a HURRICANE!!

We have had a lot of flooding in the surrounding areas, but our neighborhood seems to have been planned very well. We have a lot of little lakes and most of them were pretty full. With one being about 2 feet from the top.

So far our rain fall total from TS Fay is 14.73 in. Wow! Our yard was great! You'd never even know it had rained looking at the grass. Our front door however didn't fare so well. We have a porch over our front door that extends about 6 ft out. The wind kept the rain coming in straight at the front of our house. We had to put towels down in front of the door to prevent getting water in the house. We went thru 12 towels. Beach towels! I washed the first 4, and kept the cycle going for 2 days. We will be emailing the rental company that they need to weather seal the door. I'm glad we were home!

So, I guess I can say, that us DRY ARIZONIANS have survived our first tropical storm, without too much damage! Lets hope we can be this fortunate for all the future storms that will come this way!


Anonymous said...

OMG!!! How do you write so much?
Anyhow, the part that you wrote about the tropical storm. I think you should send that to CNN or The Weather Channel (they would probably broadcast your letter, it is hilarious).


Anonymous said...

I love your comments on your blog as well as the pictures.

Gramma Ann

Anonymous said...

Wow. I wish we we had some of that rain. Maybe then my grass would be green. lucky you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Corinna,
Did you say it RAINED????
It's HOT here today. Last time we were in FL it was 90 degrees with 90% humidity. We couldn't wait to get home.
I've been wondering how you guys were doing, weather-wise. Thanks for the update. I read your blog every couple of days. I really enjoy it.