Thursday, September 25, 2008

Jesus Christ Walk The Frog

Caleb loves to watch videos. He especially loves You Tube. Yes. Our 4 year old spends more time on You Tube than any of us combined. And then some. His sites? Universal Studios Theme Park, Disneyworld, Roller Coasters, and airplanes. Under the Universal site he can click on the different rides and watch them. He loves watching Jurassic Park the Ride. For those of you that don't visit You Tube, after you watch a video there are many more to choose from relating to that video. His clicking brought him to this site:

If you click on it, you will see a video of 30 second clip of the movie Jurassic Park. Its the part where the scientists see the dinosaurs for the first time. Usually I make the kids listen to the computer on very low volume, so I never paid much attention to the WORDS. Then last night Mike and I HEARD the words.

"Oh my gosh, is that guy singing what I think he's singing?"

We go in the den to find the boys singing along. Mike immediately clicks out of the video. "Why are you listening to that? That has bad words. We don't use those words."

Zachary and Caleb both said, "What bad words? We aren't saying bad words. We like the dinosaur video, its funny!"

So Mike clicks it back on, and asks the boys to tell us what the words are.

the words are actually:

Holy F**king S**t its a dinosaur. Jesus Christ what the f**k. Oh my f**king god f**king dinosaurs. Holy s**t what the f**k.

Here is the boys version:

"Holey walking sheep its a dinosaur. Jesus Christs walks the frog. Oh my flying dog walking dinosaurs. Holey sheep walk the frog."

See? No bad words there!

We took Caleb to Beef O' Bradys yesterday after school. It was our first time in there. Caleb wanted to play video games while we waited. The nice driving one? NO. Of course not.

The Lets Shoot and Kill Deer and Bears one. Not to brag or any thing, but this is the temp our truck said this afternoon. Christina was actually cold walking to the bus stop at 6:20am. I think camping time is coming soon. Mike got to display his He Man skills again opening a coconut for our dessert. Today we had lunch at Zachary's school. I cut Christina's hair. Isn't is soo cute? I think it makes her look older. Our tadpoles are getting big. Scary big. We need to put them in a small aquarium SOON! Because we don't want to ask Jesus Christ to Walk our Frogs.

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