Thursday, October 16, 2008

Black Ink & Black Eye

Christina had homework the other night, and it was to describe herself.
I thought she described herself perfectly.

Zachary went to a birthday party at a friends just down the street. In the little gift bags they handed out, was a little rubber stamp. He then proceeded to 'stamp' him and Caleb. The only problem with this? It would NOT come off! They washed, then I washed them, then Mikey washed them, and this is what they STILL looked like! I finally had to get out rubbing alcohol and tried it. It worked! Almost! They still had faint black marks on them until the next days shower. I cannot believe that a KIDS ink toy had such permanent ink. I immediately threw it in the garbage. I can just picture what our furniture and walls would of looked like if I didn't!! In the picture, Zachary was freaking that I would get his privates. I assured him I was not going to. But he still did not want anyone to see his 'boobies!'

Here is a picture of our "new" couch in our bedroom. Our room is so long and narrow (30x14). The couch at an angle makes it feel a little bit more cozy. I am glad Mikey talked me into it.

The weather has been sooo beautiful lately that the kids (all 4 of them) play outside alot more than inside. Last night I was feeding the cats and Nascat came in. He doesn't like to eat with the kittens, so I shooed the kittens out, closed the door and played with him. I thought. Apparently he was very hungry and in no mood to be played with. I picked him up to take him to his bowl and he attacked me. Yes, that is a black eye. How the heck does a CAT give you a black eye??!! He left a deep scratch on my eyelid that immediately bled all over my face. By the time I could clean up the blood and try to open my eye, it was swollen to a small egg size. I put ice on it for awhile. But this is what I woke up to. I cannot ever remember having a black eye, although I know I did as a small child. So tomorrow I will have to put purple eyeshadow on the other eye so I don't look like my hubby beats me. I'm not sure the girls at work really believe me about the CAT!, since they don't know me or Mike well. I tried to assure them that my hubby didn't beat me up, my cat did. Now why does that not seem believable?

Caleb made a mess getting into the Papa Bill Donuts that they sent, and I made a comment about his messies. Next thing I knew, he was sweeping them all up. By HIMSELF! I have taught my boys well, don't you think?


Anonymous said...

Unbelievable. Love the pictures and the black eye

Anonymous said... eye. NICE!! lol I've never had one and hope to not have one either.

Anonymous said...

What a neat story. Cat and a black eye. I guess he wanted you to look authentic for Halloween. It should be yellow or green by then. One thing for sure cats are unpredictable.

I liked Christina's story about herself. Cute & Concise.

I think it is great that the boys are learning to clean up after themselves. In this day and age Mom's need all the help they can get.