Friday, May 29, 2009

Caleb's Preschool Graduation

Caleb graduated from Preschool yesterday. Wish I had been there....

All dressed and ready!!

Walking in, waving to daddy, Christina and Zachary.

Singing "This Land Is Your Land". He loved singing this at home.He knew every single word of it! Receiving his diploma. Giving a thumbs up. Not quite sure what he has in his hand. His graduation picture. We will order these, like we have ordered pictures all year long. However, I don't think we have sent any out yet. Maybe by the time he is graduating high school you all will get them. I know!! I know... We're bad. Class picture. His diploma. Zachary and Caleb after the ceremony. Proud Daddy with his bud. Christina, Zachary and Caleb. Caleb after graduation, at home with his hot fudge sundae. Yummy. Congratulations Caleb! Mommy wishes more than anything I could of been there to see your big moment. I am so proud of you. You have really grown this year. When you started preschool, you just learning your letters and numbers. Now that the year is over, you can read a few words! And you love to count. You know how 2+2 =4 and 5+5=10, and many more! Your always wanted to learn now, always asking questions. How many hours have we spent with you asking, "mom, whats 3+4? Whats 100+200? Whats 1000000 +Infinity?" And then YOU telling ME the correct answers! Your handwriting is really neat and you work very hard at making your school work done very precisely. You had a really fun year and made lots of friends. (and even a girl friend!) I love you and miss you so much. Even tho I wasn't there, I thought about you all day long.

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