Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 4th Weekend

Mom, Dad and Gramma Ann came up for the July 1st hearing.
The trial is set for Aug 10th. If you can come to San Jose during that week, let us know.
Any support we can get there will be much appreciated!
Mom, Dad and Gramma stayed thru July 5th. It was nice to have everyone over for the Holiday.
Bro BBQ'd some pork chops and asparagus. Elektra played with the hose. And so did Michelle. No, this girl isn't a ham is she? I blow dried my hair and she wanted hers done too. She enjoyed it and sat very still. This is the way they belong. Please let the judge see that. Elektra loves playing hide n seek behind the toys. This is a bird costume that Cousin June gave us. Admit it.... you want to play dress up too. I didn't take any pictures of the huge box of fireworks that Leonard and Michelle bought.
But it brought lots of ooohs and aaaahhs.
Here is the fireworks Mikey and the kids got.

Mike took the kids to the beach again last week. They made this turtle. It was still there the next day! Awwwww. What a pretty background. Tennis at the park near our house. How Christina eats spaghetti. Caleb at the hotel pouring Hot Fudge on his cake. He llooovvveesss chocolate. Zachary and his cheeseburgers! This kid must be in a growing spurt! Ha ha. Boys get bed, Daddy gets pull out couch bed. This was the kids Father's Day present to Mikey. Avery spent the night and Mike made the boys a big fort in the family room. Great day for a Rocket launch from KSC! Here are one of the last pictures of our pool. If you recall in my last post, I said this was the 4th one we bought. Well, Mike and the boys came back from the hotel and it had completely deflated. Mike took it back. I think we are just destined not to have a pool. Christina got the boys to put these on at a Disney store. Shes got good blackmail on them now. Especially Caleb. Oh yes, gooooood blackmail. Christina and her friend Shannon. When I first got to the blue house, the front flower beds were just weeds. I have been cleaning up the yard, and this is what I did with it last week.

The kids arrive here tomorrow! Mike gets here the 18th. We leave for WA the 25th.

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