Saturday, May 15, 2010

Happy Mother's Day to Me!

For Mother's Day Weekend we got a Hotel near the beach in Cape Canaveral.
Zachary, Ben and Mike played basketball while Caleb, Elektra and I watched the NASCAR race.
We spent several hours Saturday afternoon at the beach.  The kids have Boogy Boards and enjoyed "surfing" the waves. Even Elektra got out there and enjoyed the boards.
It was a BEAUTIFUL day! Mid 80's and some wind.
The water was fairly warm too.
Zachary and Mikey played Frisbee for quite awhile,
 until a sudden wind came and crashed it to the ground.
Now this is a job I would love to have! An Ice Cream Man Woman on the beach!
How fun to walk up and down the sand making money
by selling Ice Cream and Cold Water and Pop to all the HOT beach goers.
Unfortunately we forgot all our beach toys and buckets,
but the kids still enjoyed just playing in the sand with their hands and toes.
And yes, I got sunburned.  Yes, I know! I know better.
No lectures. I've already heard it from my family, and friends,
but most importantly, I've FELT it. OUCH!!!
We had a large suite for the 7 of us.
 We even got Elektra her own bed a crib but she decided the floor
was where she wanted to sleep at.
We did move her to the crib after taking this picture.
We came home Sunday afternoon and then I opened the presents from the kids.
The boys made their presents in school. 
 Caleb made the bookmark, Zachary the flowers.
Christina bought a blank canvas and green, yellow and brown paint.
On Mikes and my date night the kids painted this beautiful Sunflower picture for me.
We are hanging it on our living room wall.
I love when they have to write type out how they think words are spelled. 
Our English language is so off on how words are spelled verses how they sound.
Looking at the kid's papers on yourself you can really
get an idea of what your kids think about you!
I LOVE those long eyelashes!
My mom likes to coc cook.  Yep, thats totally true!
This is funny, because I rarely make Hot Dogs for the kids.
Usually Mike does.
We are now the One Eyed Family. 
He does love to shop at Publix with me.
Probably because he always gets a free cookie at the bakery.
Definitely, because I just love Grocery Shopping more than anything else,
 like getting a massage, facial or pedicure!
Aww.  Enough said!
I had a GREAT Mother's Day!  Thank you my wonderful Children for making it soo special!!

1 comment:

Christina said...

You:re welcome (:
and I was playing basketball at the hotel too!!