Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Chris Update & Pinewood Derby

Chris is not doing well at all. Here is the latest update on him sent from his brother Jason. Wednesday, February 5 Liver and kidney not working or improving Ammonia level increased. Latest CT scan is worse. On 3 antibiotics Has a Fever. Pancreas is worse. Still bleeding from rectum. Things for clotting not working. Biggest problem is liver, likelihood of transplant is not good since his recovery has been so poor. Tracheotomy after 14 days. Liver specialist doesn't think liver will recover. Building fluid in lungs. We are praying very hard for his recovery. Please continue your prayers for him. He needs all the good energies he can get. Christina is holding up OK. She's pretty depressed over her dad. This weekend tho will be a busy one for her to help keep her distracted. Saturday she is going to a teen club at Universal Studios with her friends. Sunday she is going to a military ball with Katelyn who is in ROTC, Monday they are going to a pottery painting place. She has promised to take pictures for me so I can blog them! Her dress is so pretty for the military ball. I can't believe how grown up she is. ********************************************************************************** Mike, the boys and I are going to Daytona today thru Monday. We are camping infield just inside turn 4, a few rows back. Last year when we were there we saw lots of people that had structures they built on top of their vehicles. So Mike decided that was what we are going to have this year. Here Caleb is helping his daddy transport the wood to the garage. Once Mike got in the garage and started working he realized that the driveway is not level enough to build his platform, so he drove the truck to the backyard to work on it. He built it, and put all the necessary holes in, and screws and bolts. We will put on the netting around the boards once we are there. Then he took it all down and packed it up. Now at the racetrack all he has to do is put everything back together. Zachary lost his other front tooth! My kittens love boxes. This one *Zeeb* played with this box for hours the other night. Zachary had his Pinewood Derby on Sat. They had fun coloring while they were waiting for the race to start. What silly faces!! There, that's better! Some cars were super fast. Others *cough cough* were slow. Ours came in last every time. But at least it crossed the finish lines. Some didn't. They had some pretty neat ones. But we like Zachary's the best. He was very proud of his car, and it even got a few compliments. The 21 is for his birthday, and he wanted the car painted like Jeff Gordons. Caleb was bored waiting for us to GO ALREADY. He fell asleep in the back of the trailer! I think we are just about ready to go. Look at all that crap we have! Every time we go camping, we buy more and more stuff. Even tho we really already have everything we need.

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