Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Another Tragedy

****NOTE: Due to my brothers attorneys request, I have to remove the details of what happened to Baby JJ. However, we all know the truth, even if CA CPS has their heads up their butts.****
This was supposed to be a happy post about our Daytona Trip, and about me 'meeting' Jeff Gordon, but a horrible tragedy has befallen our family again.
My 6 month old nephew is in the hospital.
The one that fought so hard to survive a premature birth.

Leonard and Michelle rushed him to the hospital, where he remains unresponsive. His brain is swollen, and his prognosis doesn't look good. ACCIDENTS happen. Even to the very best parents.) My mom and brother Frank arrived last night, we got the phone call from Leonard about 1/2 an hour later. My mom was able to book a flight out at 7am to CA, to be with them. Leonard's best friend JJ drove all night from Phoenix to San Jose (area) to be with them, and we are getting updates from him as things progress.

Please pray for them. And continue to pray for Chris. He is stable right now. However his liver is not working yet. When they reduce his pain med he is able to respond with hand squeezes, and he gave a nurse a Thumbs Up. He is no where out of the woods yet, he will be in the hospital for a long time, and there is still a very real possibility that he won't recover.

Both families really need all the prayers and GOOD energies you can send them. We all need the strength to get thru the days ahead.

Christina wrote a beautiful poem as a tribute to her dad:

Growing in Life You live everyday in the presence of yourself Not realizing that the choices you make, could affect somebody else. Those choices you make could hurt your best friend, But you shouldn't let that stop you, in the end There are days when our world is flipped around and we don't know which way is right or wrong, let alone up or down. At times you have those days when your lost and confused, And feel like falling to the floor, because you don't know what to do Some days you feel like your world is coming to a crash, but then that's when you must stop, and take a step back. That will be the day when you come to realize where you stand and not everything will be an "I will try", but an "I can." At the end of the day when the battle was lost and the war was won the only thing that matters is what you have gained and have become. The next day you will realize what life is truly about, not to find yourself, but to create yourself. by: Christina Ayers


Anonymous said...

OMG!!!! Your family is going through sooooo much, I am so sorry to read about Leonard. As for CPS, the hard part is it may take a few months, like with Andrei. He has been with us since October 25th and we think they are getting close to letting him go home. I know how they feel to be reported, as we were reported to CPS that we were abusing Andrei in the beginning. It took 2 months without any one saying that we were unfounded. The worst part about that is it will always be on our records even though we didn't do anything. That was very hard, because you had to watch every step you by walking on egg shells making sure that whatever you did, it wasn't going to come back and bite you. We are thinking about ALL OF YOU!!!!


Anonymous said...

I wish I could be there for you. My heart goes out to you and the family, and my tears, I'm sorry, but I just can't stop crying. You guys are in my prayers and I'll pray everyday. Just remember, GOD won't give you anything you can't handle. I would TRUST Michelle and Leonard with my children too. Sorry about this, but FUCK CPS! Who are they to judge Michelle and Leonards parenting, after all they went through just to have a child. They would NEVER do anything to hurt their children or anyone else for that matter. Ok, I'm off my soapbox now. I'm here if you need me. I'm just an email or phone call away. All my love to the family.

Anonymous said...

Hey Corinna,
Oh my gosh! I cannot even imagine what you and your family are going through! I am sooooo sorry! I feel so bad for your brother and his wife, just losing a child and then to be blamed for this death...wow. If there is anything at all that I can do, please let me know.

Keep me posted please. My prayers are with your family.

Anonymous said...

How sad...It amazes me how the system works...my sister-in-law fell down the stairs with her daughter,pregnant and broke her daughters arm(she was1 1/2) It took My sister-in-law a while before she realized they thought she did it. Thank goodness nothing became of it.I hope all turns out with them. Talk to ya soon...Di.......