Sunday, March 1, 2009

Settling In San Jose

I cannot discuss anything that is going on with Leonard and Michelle's case. Please respect that, and don't press for answers that cannot give at this time. Elektra and I are getting settled into our new house and routine.

She is such an amazingly happy child, that she is making my taking care of her, and the entire situation,much easier than I was afraid it would be. Leonard and Michelle are very blessed to have the friends and the community that they do. This house was GIVEN to us to use for FREE! For as long as we need. Its a 3 bdrm 1 bath. With a laundry room and washer and dryer. The church has collected things like pots and pans, towels, toys, princess bed for Elektra, food, gas cards, food cards, silverware, just about anything you can think of that we may need. Leslie bought me a few other items yesterday as well. Leonard and Michelle had some extra furniture, so we have a sofa, end tables, coffee table, kitchen table, bed. If you were to come over, you'd see we have just about everything that any other house has. Without the clutter of all the extra stuff that we all have. JJ's funeral was Friday. It was the 2nd time I have been at a child's funeral. It is the most saddest thing ever. Heartbreaking. No parent should ever have to bury their child. There will be a memorial for JJ in Phx on Tuesday at 10am at our families church. Crossroads United Methodist Church, 7901 N. Central Ave. Its Central & Northern. There will be a get together afterwards at my gramma Anns. 1722 E. Cactus Wren. Which is 17th street and Glendale. 1 blk N of Glendale. Sadly, Elektra and I are not allowed to leave CA, so we will not be there. I can go other places with her, with permission from CPS. We have a big backyard that has several gardens lining the fence and house. It has weeds in them right now, so I pulled a bunch yesterday. This week I will finish getting rid of the weeds, and get some flowers at Home Depot so we can have some color back there. My brother Frank and Leslie (she drove down from WA) are swinging with her. The cost of houses out here is amazing. This house is in San Jose, a very upscale area called Willow Glen. Some houses like ours are tiny (900 sq ft), others just a few houses down are mansions. This house would sell for $480,000! Our house in Florida is 3 times as big and $150,000 less! That's crazy! Update on Chris: He is now on facebook. Also there is now a website you can go to to leave him a message or prayer. Click on Find a Patient type in Ayers and the password Chris88

If you haven't done so, please send your letters to or the case worker needs them ASAP.

Thank you again to everyone for their prayers.

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