Wednesday, December 22, 2010

We Are Ready For Christmas. Are You?

Did you see the Lunar eclipse the other night?
This is what it looked like from our back yard.
Speaking of our backyard, Mike and the boys hopped our fence 
the other day to go pick up all the balls
 that somehow keep getting tossed over. 
Or golfed over.
But I don't think they will go behind our fence anymore.
THIS was out back the next day!
A Bobcat!  Eek!
We have so many animals in the forest behind us.
We've seen turtles, deer, armadillos, raccoons,
rabbits, squirrels, boars, snakes, and now a bobcat.
Most likely there are black bears too.
We're not afraid!
As long as the bobcat and bears stay on the other
side of the fence line.

Last Saturday was the annual Boy Scout Parade.
This year since Mike is Den Leader now for Caleb's troop
 We got to participate in the parade too.
The boys really enjoyed it and did great at 
tossing candy to the bystanders.

Sometimes they did too great .
Several times there were only one or two
people standing by the road,
 yet e.v.e.r.y. single boy would
throw candy at them.

The scouts were the front of the parade and
Santa was in the back.  So after it was over
we were able to stand and watch the rest
of the parade.
Monday night was the Christmas scout Pack meeting.
Rolling up newspapers and throwing them at one another
is in lieu of a real snowball fight.
We are completely ready for Christmas!
The last thing got mailed out yesterday.
Here Caleb is checking the size of the box
to see that it is the same size as his 
DieCast car boxes are. 
Little stinker, thats exactly what it is.
The boys have shaken, squeezed, tapped,
measured, and counted every 
package under the tree.
However, there was one present that was much to big
to fit under the tree or to wrap. (no not the cat)
So we decided to give it to the kids a week early.
But they had to work for it.
We sent them on a scavenger hunt.
They had to solve the clues to find the next spot.

Found it!!
A 15ft trampoline!!!!
Mike immediately got to work setting it up.

Thank you to Gramma Ginny and Grampa Bill
for helping Mike and I buy the trampoline
for All of Ours Christmas present!
The boys bus driver gave them a little
Christmas candy bag, so they each
 made him a Christmas card.
 Then they got busy on the Ginger Bread house
they built with Christina and Ben.
They enjoyed decorating it and
did a great job!
The boys get out of school today until Jan.10th.
Christina has been working a lot of hours this week.
Yay! Christmas money!
She is enjoying her job. She's working behind the counter
getting the food from the cooks to hand to the guest.
at a hamburger restaurant in the Jurassic Park area.
Right now since she is out of school she is working
10:30am-6:00pm.  Thankfully she gets Christmas off!
Santa will be here in a few days!
We are  ready! Are you?

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